... mit dem Kleid. Die Bastelei an dem Schnitt hat sich gelohnt, es passt super. Das Futterkleid ist auch schon fast fertig, allerdings ist mir die Anleitung von Ottobre, wie das Futter eingenäht werden soll, ein komplettes Rätsel. Irgendwie fehlt mir da wohl das räumliche Vorstellungsvermögen. Wenn es nicht klappt, nähe ich das Futter eben so ein, wie ich es immer mache, wird wohl keiner kontrollieren kommen :-)
I am really happy with the dress. All the changes I made worked out, it fits me very well. The lining dress is almost done as well, I just don't understand Ottobre's instructions how they want me to insert the lining. I think I have trouble visualizing what they describe. Well, if I can't figure that out, I will just insert the lining the way I always do it. I guess they won't come and check :-)
I am really happy with the dress. All the changes I made worked out, it fits me very well. The lining dress is almost done as well, I just don't understand Ottobre's instructions how they want me to insert the lining. I think I have trouble visualizing what they describe. Well, if I can't figure that out, I will just insert the lining the way I always do it. I guess they won't come and check :-)
Da könnte der Sommer ja kommen! Todchic!
Hi Beatrice,
AntwortenLöschenwhow, du bist ja flott! Sieht superschön aus.
Liebe Grüße Ines